Kids Capers OOSH
Before School, After School and Vacation Care services for primary school children in Sydney
October Vacation Care programs
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Our Enrolment Process for all centres except Gladesville and Wilkins is outlined below. Gladesville and Wilkins should go to Centres tab, then select their service.
Download the Enrolment and Direct Debit forms attached to this page simply by clicking them. Then either 1) key in the data directly into the form, or 2) print and handwrite in the details.
If keying data directly into the form, when done save the form. And where there's more than one child, amend the saved form and save again with a new name (for each additional child), reducing time and effort on common information. Signatures can be taken at the Centre.
For the printed form, you'll need to scan it into PDF format.
Email address for sending documents to can be found at the bottom of the Enrolment Form.
For enrolment queries, please phone us on one of the following numbers: 0479 041 096, 0403 868 147, 0422 498 632
1. A separate Enrolment form is required for each child.
2. The Enrolment form is also our Complying Written Arrangement (CWA) for the purposes of Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
3. Please ensure the date of birth and CentreLink supplied Customer Reference Number (CRN) are completed for the primary parent and each child. If you're unsure about the process of obtaining these details, go to the government's 'mychild' website or to: It is extremely important that DOB and CRN details are correct, otherwise there may be delays in you receiving your Child Care Subsidy.
4. Direct Debits are our only method of payment. Please note that charges apply if using a credit card, details are on the authorisation form.
5. If using Firefox browser, you'll first need to save the form, then launch Acrobat/PDF reader to enter data.
6. Please read the Medication Policies.
Please contact Kids Capers if you need assistance in completing the forms.