Kids Capers OOSH
Before School, After School and Vacation Care services for primary school children in Sydney
October Vacation Care programs
out now.
Wilkins Public School
Kids Capers OOSH is located at Wilkins Public School.
Sevice Summary
Before School Care 7:00am - 9:00am
After School Care 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Vacation Care 7:00am - 6:00pm
Enrolment, bookings and absences are performed through My Family Lounge (MFL).
New to My Family Lounge
Families who have not registered in MFL need to do so by clicking the Register Button below.
Existing My Family Lounge families
Existing MFL families can Sign-In by entering their email and password then clicking the Sign-In button. Call Kids Capers if you've forgotten your email or need to change it.
When Logged into My Family Lounge
When logged in either by registering or signing in, families new to Kids Capers need to complete the enrolment process, whereas existing Kids Capers families can enter booking requests and absences.
Enrolment involves:
confirmation of login details (email address and password)
completing a short registration of interest,
completing the detailed enrolment form,
and submitting a request for bookings.
Kids Capers is notified of the booking request, will check the enrolment and booking request, and respond with an offer which is normally the same as the booking request. The family accepts the offer. For more information on My Family Lounge click this link.
Please read the Medication policies, also complete the fillable Direct Debit form and email to:
Schools Serviced
Wilkins Public School for BSC and ASC
All schools for VAC
Logistics and Timings
* Before School Care
Parents can drop off their children any time between 7:00am and 8:30am.
* After School Care
Parents can pick up their children any time by 6:00pm.
* Vacation Care
Parents need to drop off children by 9:00 on excursion days, otherwise timings are flexible
Contact Details
31 Park Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
0468 898 370
Bookings, cancellations, 0403 868 147
enrolments, admin, 0479 041 096